Wednesday, September 7, 2011


At 2 weeks, Cody had pretty much settled on what he was going to call our child. Everly is "Peanut" to him. I rarely call Everly by her name, but none of the names I call her have stuck yet. What do you think? Here are some of the things that have come out of my mouth when referring to my baby.

baby girl
pretty girl
child of mine
cutie pie
grumpy face
stinky butt
stinky bum
bum bum
boo boo
pumpkin head (and pretty much anything with the word "head" attached to it.)
button nose
my precious (sometimes in the creepy lord of the rings voice)

As you can see, none of them are quite right for her...


  1. I call Kadence "Child".... Something will stick especially as she grows into her personality:)

  2. The boys all call Alice, Baby Alice, even in their prayers. :o) Hunter is Big H. Alice and Ammon together are the double A's and Ammon has been Ammon, Jammin Ammon, Ammon face, shorty. I usually call them all sweety, baby, cutie or by number, lol. Called the boys little man and alice baby girl. Sort of sad now I don't think Cole really has a nickname. hum . . .
