We've lived in our house for 9 months now. When we bought it, we had all these great ideas for it. We decided we could essentially "flip" the house in the time we live here. Well, things take a lot longer than we thought they do, but we have accomplished some things. It's so fun to see our house transforming into what we dreamed it could be. Here's an update. Some things I have pictures of, some things I don't.
1. We replaced 3 doors. The two garage doors and the front door (which is now a glorious red color) As long as I can remember, I have always said that I wanted a red door on my future house. My sweet husband took the time to paint our new door the exact color of red I wanted. I loved the front of my house before, but now I really love it.


2. We replaced many light fixtures and painted 2 ceiling fans. (7 light fixtures to be exact)

3. The dining room. :) We gave this room a fresh coat of paint (which we did throughout the kitchen as well, and painted the baseboards. We also added some art to the wall. This is the best pic I have of it. Try to ignore the balloons and streamers.
When we bought it:

4. I don't know what to call this, but we have these divider thingies in our living room. We have this one between the dining room and the living room. We also have two between the entrance of our home and the living room. I've always hated them because they are a dark ugly color and they closed off the space. So one night, Cody decided to just start cutting away the ugly pillars to see what would happen. Luckily, they turned out to not be structural so our house didn't fall down. :) Then we painted it the same color as the kitchen cabinets.
When we bought it:

In progress:


5. The kitchen is a work in progress, but it's on it's way. We've painted the walls, replaced the door to the garage, replaced the curtains and started painting the cabinets. It's just a big work-in-progress. We've ordered the nobs that will go on the cabinets.
The unfinished side:

The new color:

6. The nursery (which you can read about in my previous post) just took up a ton of our time. Not to mention, we decided to do it during tax season which made it take even longer. But I do love this room. It's so pretty.
The nursery when we bought the house:


On a side note, we also planted and took care of a garden (but,sadly, it died), took care of a scorpion problem (by spraying and sealing off all windows and doors,) fixed a broken air conditioner, fixed a super leaky washer hook-up, and took care of many other small problems. We are learning that things aren't as easy as they seem and owning a house just takes up a ton of your time. Our house is full of half-finished projects, as anyone who comes over can see. But we are still loving it and I get excited with every new improvement we do.